Emergency Prayer Requests

Our emergency prayer request ministry is overseen by Karla Phillips. You can text or call Karla with your emergency prayer request at 419-348-6712.

Please remember that this ministry is for emergency prayers only such as:

a) Life Threatening Illness/Occurrence ex: Heart Attack, serious bodily injury

b) Intensive Care Admissions

c) Situations that involve life flight, loss by fire, acts of nature

For all other prayer requests please call the church at 419-354-1176 or email us at office@ccbg.life. Your non-emergency prayer need will be addressed during office hours. You can also put it on a prayer card on Sunday morning.

Members Database

Our new member database is all online at ccbg.elexiochms.com.  If you are a member, you can log in using the email you have registered with the church office or you can download the Elexio Community above to access the database. 

Once you are in the database you can:

  • View the members directory
  • Check-in to events and classes
  • Register for events
  • View the church calendar

If you are a leader of a small group you can utilize the groups to "mass contact" through text or email to your entire group at once to remind them of study times, or cancellations.


Visit the secure Christ's Church in Bowling Green Giving Page to set up online giving from your computer.  If you are a first time user, you must create an Elexio giving account.  If you have an established giving account, your user ID and password should remain the same.

Click Here to Give Online    

You can also give from your smart phone by using the Elexio Community app (described above), available for Android phones in Google Play store and in the App store for iOS.