TRAC: Teens Running After Christ

TRAC is the name for the teen ministry here at CCBG.  It stands for Teens Running After Christ.  In the bible, there are multiple examples of people who literally ran to meet Jesus.  From the multitudes He fed running to see Him to the disciples who ran to find His empty tomb.  Who He was intrigued them enough to pursue Him.  Our ministry is about pursuing Jesus.  We are promised that those who seek will find!  Because of that promise, everything we do is about our pursuit of Him.  We meet for Bible study on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.  We have activities planned every month from devotionals, to retreats, to youth conferences and mission trips. Join us in our pursuit!  He will not disappoint, for Jesus is the greatest treasure we could ever find!

Wednesday Night Worship & Study 6:00-8:00

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Every Day Christian

Teen Week 2024         June 23-29       AGES 13-21

The Church will pay half the cost of camp for each child from CCBG

Check out Beeson Ministries for camp videos and what to look forward to! 

REGISTER HERE with a $25 Deposit:

July 7-11, 2024

AGES 8-12

Register HERE Today with a $25 Deposit

The church will pay half the cost of camp for each child from CCBG

Check out camp videos and what you have to look forward to HERE!